Segmedica is presenting a paper, Achieving and Using a Great Segmentation, in the early afternoon of May 12th.
Peter Simpson, Principal at Segmedica, is pleased to announce that as of January 4th we have merged Segmedica into the Research America Inc. family of companies. Research America was founded over 35 years ago and has grown to over 14 offices nationally with 300+ researchers.
Segmedica announces the launch of JourneySmart, enhanced patient journeys. We bring a unique perspective and set of tools to Patient Journey Research. Our PersonaSmart™ personality-based personas are globally validated and proven to work robustly across all conditions. Personality is the most fundamental driver of healthcare behavior.
Segmedica announces the completion of its sixth syndicated COVID-19 study. Consumer beliefs on healthy eating were evolving quickly before COVID-19. This new ConnexionPoints® report analyzes consumer needs by personality groups and provides a road map for adjusting marketing and product development programs.
Segmedica announces the completion of a fifth syndicated COVID-19 study. COVID-19 has forced patients and medical facilities to expand telehealth and other alternative means of medical interaction. This means that the large number of patients who were not comfortable with telehealth and digital interactions before are now getting used to them. Will this last beyond COVID-19?
Segmedica announced today the completion of a fourth syndicated COVID-19 study. This study is of value to all manufacturers working on COVID-19 vaccines and pharmacological solutions or are impacted by COVID-19 patients’ journey through the healthcare system. Built from up to the minute primary fieldwork with patients, caregivers, and HCPs, we document with video clips the detailed experience.
Segmedica launches a new self-study course on Adherence and Persistence. This course includes a five-module program summarizing the learnings from the ConnexionPoints Complete Adherence and Persistence eHandbook.
Segmedica announced today the completion of its ConnexionPoints Adherence and Persistence eHandbook.
Segmedica announced today the completion of a syndicated COVID-19 study. Changing Behaviors in the Face of a Global Health Crisis applies Segmedica’s ground breaking PersonaSmart™ personality based tools to understand consumers’ response to COVID-19.
Segmedica announces the launch of RxConnex, a powerful new pharmacy data tool.
Segmedica announces the launch of TripleSmart™, a whole new way of looking at market segmentation embracing three distinct methodologies in one study.