Robert is proficient in all stages of the research process, including survey and study design, questionnaire development, data analysis, and reporting… Read More…
Amy holds an MBA with a Marketing concentration from Oakland University, a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan…Read More…
With international business experience in over 25 countries, and a wide-ranging career in science, business development, research, and innovation… Read More…
With a B.S., Marketing, PSU and qualitative research training from the Burke Institute. Michelle is directly involved in quality assurance, development…Read More…
Corinne has over 10 years of market research experience. She has been immersed in both qualitative and quantitative studies,… Read More…
Samantha has close to five years of market research experience. In her beginning role as a research coordinator, she has been involved… Read More…
Jan Nash has over 20 years of market research experience in the consumer and pharmaceutical industries. Her expertise includes both qualitative… Read More…
Rex Repass and the Segmedica teams have led market research and consumer insights engagements for some of the leading corporations in the… Read More…
Greg is a career marketing research professional. Prior to joining Research America, Greg was a founding…Read More…
Upbeat, social, and vibrant. Megan brings great enthusiasm to her work and is able to transition easily from one pursuit to the next with unlimited focus ,… Read More..
William serves as the Vice President of Business Development at Research America, directing strategic initiatives and…Read More…
Lynne has over 30 years’ experience designing and managing a wide range of studies including new product evaluations, customer satisfaction… Read More..
With over 25 years of experience as a researcher and project manager, Sandra brings a wealth of experience to clients across the full spectrum…Read More…
Amy has worked in market research since 2010 and is familiar with and passionate about industries such as agriculture… Read More..
With a Masters in Market Research from Michigan State University, and extensive qualitative research training from the Burke Institute…Read More…
Allie is a highly motivated and dedicated market research professional, having earned her Masters Degree in Market Research… Read More..
Robert is proficient in all stages of the research process, including survey and study design, questionnaire development, data analysis, and reporting… Read More…
Amy holds an MBA with a Marketing concentration from Oakland University, a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan…Read More…
With international business experience in over 25 countries, and a wide-ranging career in science, business development, research, and innovation… Read More…
With a B.S., Marketing, PSU and qualitative research training from the Burke Institute. Michelle is directly involved in quality assurance, development…Read More…
Corinne has over 10 years of market research experience. She has been immersed in both qualitative and quantitative studies,… Read More…
Samantha has close to five years of market research experience. In her beginning role as a research coordinator, she has been involved… Read More…
Jan Nash has over 20 years of market research experience in the consumer and pharmaceutical industries. Her expertise includes both qualitative… Read More…
Rex Repass and the Segmedica teams have led market research and consumer insights engagements for some of the leading corporations in the… Read More…
Greg is a career marketing research professional. Prior to joining Research America, Greg was a founding…Read More…
Upbeat, social, and vibrant. Megan brings great enthusiasm to her work and is able to transition easily from one pursuit to the next with unlimited focus ,… Read More..
William serves as the Vice President of Business Development at Research America, directing strategic initiatives and…Read More…
Lynne has over 30 years’ experience designing and managing a wide range of studies including new product evaluations, customer satisfaction… Read More..
With over 25 years of experience as a researcher and project manager, Sandra brings a wealth of experience to clients across the full spectrum…Read More…
Amy has worked in market research since 2010 and is familiar with and passionate about industries such as agriculture… Read More..
With a Masters in Market Research from Michigan State University, and extensive qualitative research training from the Burke Institute…Read More…
Allie is a highly motivated and dedicated market research professional, having earned her Masters Degree in Market Research… Read More..
Robert is proficient in all stages of the research process, including survey and study design, questionnaire development, data analysis, and reporting… Read More…
Amy holds an MBA with a Marketing concentration from Oakland University, a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan…Read More…
With international business experience in over 25 countries, and a wide-ranging career in science, business development, research, and innovation… Read More…
With a B.S., Marketing, PSU and qualitative research training from the Burke Institute. Michelle is directly involved in quality assurance, development…Read More…
Corinne has over 10 years of market research experience. She has been immersed in both qualitative and quantitative studies,… Read More…
Samantha has close to five years of market research experience. In her beginning role as a research coordinator, she has been involved… Read More…
Jan Nash has over 20 years of market research experience in the consumer and pharmaceutical industries. Her expertise includes both qualitative… Read More…
Rex Repass and the Segmedica teams have led market research and consumer insights engagements for some of the leading corporations in the… Read More…
Greg is a career marketing research professional. Prior to joining Research America, Greg was a founding…Read More…
Upbeat, social, and vibrant. Megan brings great enthusiasm to her work and is able to transition easily from one pursuit to the next with unlimited focus ,… Read More..
William serves as the Vice President of Business Development at Research America, directing strategic initiatives and…Read More…
Lynne has over 30 years’ experience designing and managing a wide range of studies including new product evaluations, customer satisfaction… Read More..
With over 25 years of experience as a researcher and project manager, Sandra brings a wealth of experience to clients across the full spectrum…Read More…
Amy has worked in market research since 2010 and is familiar with and passionate about industries such as agriculture… Read More..
With a Masters in Market Research from Michigan State University, and extensive qualitative research training from the Burke Institute…Read More…
Allie is a highly motivated and dedicated market research professional, having earned her Masters Degree in Market Research… Read More..