
Special Market Research Techniques for Rare Diseases

Join us to learn about novel approaches to sample, qualitative research and four case studies demonstrating how deep insights were obtained in rare and in transient emergency situations.
The defining circumstance of rare and orphan diseases is the ultra-small sample, not just of patients but of HCPs.
Segmedica has developed recruiting, research, and analysis techniques to overcome this challenge:
  • Study design and recruitment. Empathy, understanding and engagement. An approach offering respondents opportunities to learn and to help others.
  • Psychographics – With smaller samples, we need to go more deeply into each respondent. Robust profiles enable us to “type” each respondent and better interpret their input.
  • Insights – Research designs such as SelfInspire® self-moderating groups set small groups to work on research objectives with maximum commitment.
  • Online Ethnography – How patients manage their lives and how they really relate to their physicians are essential to understanding the patient journey.
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