Actually, many people cannot. For 28% of the US population, English is not a first language. Globally for 85% of people, English is not their first language.
Worldwide 55% of the population speak seven languages:
English (1,132 million speakers)
Mandarin Chinese (1,117 million speakers)
Hindi (615 million speakers)
Spanish (534 million speakers)
Arabic (274 million speakers)
Bangla/Bengali (265 million speakers)
Russian (258 million speakers)
Only two of these use the Arabic (Western) alphabet.
North American and UK based companies inevitably think in English, reason in English, get research results in English, message in English and then…translate and perhaps test?
In this free webinar, we think through the issues of communicating to cultural groups within the USA and overseas, and how we can use market research to help create culturally sensitive and effective communications.