
A Marketing Roadmap for COVID-19

This webinar is intended for food and beverage, nutrition, supplements, grocery, and pharmacy as well as other verticals in hospitality, food service, fitness, and wellness. Join us to chart the marketing plans for 2021 and 2022 based on our extensive researches into the psychology of pandemic-driven behavior.
The significant impacts of COVID-19 have not yet been felt and will take at least two years to play out in the industrialized world.
They will include:
  1. Permanent changes in consumer behaviors across almost all verticals and categories.
  2. Record sovereign debt-to-GDP rations leading to stressed financial systems, higher taxation, under-employment, and lower real wages.
  3. Some countries and industries will take a significant hit and others will benefit. This will happen unevenly and penalize those who can’t or won’t retrain and relocate.
All businesses need to act now to reshape their products, services, and marketing.
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